Solicitation for Architectural Services
/in News, RFP/RFQ Opportunities for Work, Uncategorized /by Peoria TribePeoria Tribe Tag Program Update
/in News, Notices, Uncategorized /by Peoria TribePeoria Tribe Tag Program moving forward with processing tags in-house.
More program details will be posted between now and January 24th, 2022.
Peoria Tribe Tag Program Update.PDF
11/20/2021 Special Election Results:
/in News, Uncategorized /by Peoria Tribe11/20/2021 Special Election Results:
Thank you to our citizens who were able to vote, our candidates who showed great passion for their People during this time, and to the newly elected Second Chief of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, Rosanna Dobbs.
First Americans Museum event honors service members and seeks to expand Native veteran database
/in News, Uncategorized /by Peoria TribeCONTACT
Phone: (918) 540-2535
Fax: (918) 540-2538
Email: Click here
118 S. Eight Tribes Trail
Miami, Oklahoma 74354
Mon-Fri : 8am—4:30 pm
Sat-Sun : Closed