Natural Resources
The Peoria Natural Resources Department, representing the Peoria Tribal Trusteeship of natural and cultural resources both inside and outside the traditional Peoria Reservation boundaries is committed to the protection and restoration of those natural and cultural resources, be the injured or lost through improper use or outside influences. Specifically, all-natural resources including air, surface and ground waters, soils, and biota, including vegetation, avian, aquatic, mammalian, reptilian species, etc., have been and continue to be Trust Resources for the welfare and benefit of the Peoria Tribe and Tribal citizens. In pursuit of environmental protection and restoration Peoria Natural Resources will assess natural resource damages; pursue compensation for those damages from responsible parties; develop and implement programs to compensate, restore or replace those injured or lost natural and cultural resources. Natural Resources is resolved to continue participation in these endeavors to protect Tribal Trust Resources, Tribal citizens, and Tribal Sovereignty.