November 1, 2021 ARPA Update

From the Desk of Chief Craig Harper
“This photo says a lot… I want to thank our citizens and our staff. We are one week in to the ARPA Relief Aid process, and it is working. Here are the processed applications on the left and completed checks on the right, ready to go out. We will get through this.. and we will get through it together!

Office Closure

Peoria Veteran’s Day Service

Inter-Tribal Council Food Distribution

Check out this food distribution program available in our area! Apply now to see if you qualify for distribution by Inter-tribal Council!

Centennial Tribal Monument Upkeep

Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma planting mums at NEO A&M College at the foot of the Centennial Tribal Monument. The monument was unveiled in honor of Indigenous People’s Day in October of 2019. We are excited to join together with NEO A&M in this upkeep of the monument. What a beautiful landmark of our Indigeneity on our local college’s campus!

COVID-19 Update

Following a great week of team building, our focus again returns to the ongoing Pandemic. The health and safety of our team continues to be one part of our ultimate goal. Per Executive Order Peoria Headquarters and Gaming Commission offices will close, effective immediately with an initial reopening scheduled for Monday, August 31st. Staff will be on Administrative Leave during this temporary closure, disinfecting protocols will continue to be carried out. Plans will be made and staff updated Monday, August 24th to carry out Peoria’s mandate to provide quality services and support to citizens.
Be Well.
Chief Craig Harper

2020 Pow wow Announcement