October 1, 2023


As I sit down to write this Quarter’s letter, the word “relationship” is on my mind. I spent time today with Jason Dollarhide inside our Ottawa-Peoria building. We were sitting with the long-time Chief of the Ottawa Tribe, Ethel Cook, as she laid in state, following her passing earlier this September.

I reflected on my relationship with Chief Cook, and with Jason, and even the Peoria relationship with our Ottawa neighbors. I thought of all the relationships built and fostered through years of Peoria events inside the Ottawa-Peoria building.

The upcoming final quarter of 2023 will hold many opportunities to create, grow, and, unfortunately, loose relationships. Let us be intentional to foster family, tribal, and community relationships at upcoming holiday and social events. Let us build new bridges of cooperation and kinship that lead us towards our ultimate goal of a healthy, intergenerational connected Peoria Nation. Let us find new ways to serve our elders, continue to teach our children, and encourage one another along the way.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming events and pray a blessing over each one of our citizens and families.

Be well,

Chief Craig Harper