Peoria Language Course

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Peewaaliaataweenki (Peoria language)

Course Information:

Peoria Beginner Series Courses

– In-person & online weekly classes

– 11-week structured course schedule

– Must have internet access

– Will include online learning outside of actual class time

Peoria Intermediate Series Courses

– Successful completion of Peoria Beginner Series Courses prerequisite for this course (all work and final reviews completed/passed)

– Eligible students will we pre-enrolled by instructor

– In-person & online weekly classes

– 10-week structured course schedule

– Must have internet access

– Will include online learning outside of actual class time

All language courses are designed to teach proper pronunciations and general daily-use vocabulary, while developing skills in listening, reading, and writing in Peewaaliaataweenki.

Course Requirements:

– Access to reliable high-speed internet, computer or tablet recommended

– Written, video, online homework, quizzes, reviews, and additional learning outside of actual class time

For enrollment and additional information, go to:

  • See the current Peoria Language Course flyer for more information on the course, class times, dates, and enrollment instructions.
  • Enrollment preferences to Peoria citizens, citizen household members, and Tribal employees.
Tosan Wesley Louis Farless

Tosan Wesley Louis Farless

Peoria Language Specialist

Contact: Tosan Wesley Louis Farless

Office: 918-540-2535 Ext. 2702
