Request for Proposals: Greenhouse NFT system

The Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma is accepting bids for an NFT hydroponic system for their greenhouse project. The NFT system will be housed inside two adjacent 30×96 greenhouse bays. The bid should include all tanks, injectors, pumps, piping, connectors, gutters, and any other necessary equipment.

For more information, please contact Sam Doty at 918-544-9043 or


The deadline for submission is 3:00 PM CST on Friday, November 8th, 2024.

All respondents will be notified of the results by EMAIL, so please provide accurate contact information.

Address copies of responses to:

Attention: Erin Barnes

Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma

118 S. Eight Tribes Trail

Miami, Oklahoma 74354

Request for Proposals: Greenhouse NFT System

Click here to download a PDF copy.