Constitutional Committees
The Grievance Committee is responsible for ensuring that the individual rights of the citizens of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma are protected under the Indian Civil Rights Act of April 11, 1968.
Jessica Blalock 2025, Mary Lembcke Davey 2026, Chad Harper 2025, LeAnne Reeves 2026, Stacy M. Lindsly 2028
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Section 6, Article VII of the Constitution of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, establishes the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the individual rights of members of the tribe, which have been guaranteed by the Act of April 11, 1968, P.L.90-284 (82 Stat. 77), as amended, commonly referred to as the Indian Civil Rights Act, are not violated. The committee shall consist of five (5) members who shall be elected by the Peoria Council and who shall not be members of the Business Committee. This committee shall choose, from within its membership, a chairman and a secretary. The term of office shall be four (4) years. When the Grievance Committee receives a complaint of a rights violation, it will conduct a hearing with all parties present. If, by a vote of at least four(4) members, the committee determines that the evidence presented is sufficient to substantiate the complaint, the committee shall call a special meeting of the Peoria Council to act upon the complaint. The decision of the Peoria Council is final.
Applications for committees will be open year-round, however, applications will only be reviewed as openings become available.
The Audit Committee is responsible for engaging the services of an independent auditor to conduct an annual financial audit of all funds held or controlled by the Peoria Tribe. Once the audit has been received and reviewed by the committee, a report of findings is presented to the Business Committee. The final Audit is then submitted to the Peoria Council for acceptance.
Zach Goforth, Michael Lewis, Kendra Robinson
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Resolution R-01-10-92 #5 of the Peoria Council formed this three-member committee. Members are appointed for three-year terms. This committee is responsible for engaging the services of an independent auditor to conduct an annual financial audit of all funds held or controlled by the Peoria Tribe. Once the audit has been received and reviewed by the committee, a report of findings is presented to the Business Committee. The final Audit is then submitted to the Peoria Council for acceptance. Members of the Audit Committee receive a stipend per meeting per member and for related travel costs in accordance with the adopted travel policy of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. The responsibilities of this Committee require it to meet at least once a year, although, the Chairman may call additional meetings as needed.
Applications for committees will be open year-round, however, applications will only be reviewed as openings become available.
The responsibilities of this committee are set forth in the Constitution and within the Enrollment Ordinance. Applications of prospective new enrollees, relinquishment and disenrollment of tribal members are all brought before this committee.
Kay Harper, Jenny Rampey, Jeane Wynn
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Section 3, Article III of the Constitution of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma establishes the three-member Enrollment Committee. The responsibilities of this committee are set forth in the Constitution and within the Enrollment Ordinance. Applications of prospective new enrollees, relinquishment and disenrollment of Tribal citizens are all brought before this committee. This committee meets on a monthly basis and the Chairman may call special meetings if needed. Travel expenses of the committee members are reimbursed in accordance with the adopted travel policy of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma.
Applications for committees will be open year-round, however, applications will only be reviewed as openings become available.
The Business Committee appoints members to serve on this committee each December for a term of one year. The committee is responsible for calling and conducting the regular election of officers and any other tribal elections that may be necessary throughout the year.
Chairperson: Kristen Gillman
Secretary: Shelley Mitchell
General: Bud Ellis, Courtney McCartney, Cassie McCoy
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Section 3, Article IX of the Constitution of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, establishes the Election Committee. The Business Committee appoints members to serve on this committee each December for a term of one year. The committee is responsible for calling and conducting the regular election of officers and any other tribal elections that may be necessary throughout the year. For the annual election this committee would usually meet three times: in December, January and March. The Chairman would call additional meetings for special elections as needed. Committee members are required to comply with provisions of the Constitution of the Peoria Tribe and the Election Ordinance. Travel expenses of committee members are reimbursed in accordance with the adopted travel policy of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma.
Applications for committees will be open year-round, however, applications will only be reviewed as openings become available.
Economic Development COMMITTEE:
Business Committee Resolution R-04-06-21-E formed this committee for the purpose of carrying on and maintaining various tribal business ventures and/or economic development projects for the benefit of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma and its citizens. The members of the Business Committee serve on this committee.
Rosanna Dobbs, Jenny Rampey, Jason Dollarhide, Nick Hargrove, Kara D. North, Scott Myers
Discretionary Committees
Twice a year, in January and August, the Education Committee meets to review scholarship applications from members of the Peoria Tribe.
Secretary: Alan Goforth
General: Mary Davey, Sadie Detherage, Jamie Giles
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Twice a year, in January and August, the Education Committee meets to review and approve scholarship applications from Citizens of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. Other opportunities to expand the education programs within the Tribe should be explored (for example: establishing relationships with universities or developing an internship program). Members of the Education Committee receive a stipend per meeting per member and for related travel costs in accordance with the adopted travel policy of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma.
Applications for committees will be open year-round, however, applications will only be reviewed as openings become available.